Newcomb & Boyd

Newcomb & Boyd is a prominent engineering firm based in Atlanta, Charleston and Raleigh-Durham. To celebrate 100 years of service, the company wanted a rebrand to launch the second century of excellence. Our team developed the logo, brand collateral, and logo animations to announce “a new logo for a new century”. 

kor group ltd.
Art Direction: MB Jarosik
Team: Vaishnavi Kumar, Jim Gibson, Brittany Latham
Logo Animation + Stationery: Vaishnavi Kumar
100 Years Animation: Brittany Latham, Vaishnavi Kumar

Animation - Rebrand launch

The new logo reflects Newcomb & Boyd’s openness to collaboration and building together to implement great ideas. The colour red signifies the strength of the firm, and the passion and excitement that their engineers bring. I wanted to highlight this quality and show the transformation of the logo from old to new.

Animation - 100 Years of Newcomb & Boyd

A collaborative project with Brittany Latham to highlight the firm’s values, showcase their achievements and celebrate their future. 


Letterhead and business cards

kor group ltd.
Creative Direction: MB Jarosik | Art Direction + Design: Vaishnavi Kumar, Jim Gibson, Brittany Latham | Copywriting: Greg Reid