Hebrew SeniorLife (HSL)
Offering a full spectrum of holistic and personalized care, Hebrew SeniorLife (HSL) provides senior community living spaces, promotes the independence of seniors and transforms the aging experience. Here is a selection of pieces our team and I worked on.
Inspire Newsletter
For the Winter 2022 issue of Inspire, HSL’s quarterly newsletter, our client wanted an illustrative cover that speaks to mental health and wellness statistics.
They wanted an intricate, papercut artwork style for the cover and inner spread. I customized a handcrafted papercut piece, which was then digitized on Illustrator and integrated with iconography.
The cover illustration is repurposed for the inside spread, with icons that correspond to statistics below it.

Celebrating Lou Woolf
Animation to celebrate Lou Woolf’s retirement, and his notable work as the President and CEO of Hebrew SeniorLife for 14 years.
Elder Abuse Brochure
As part of the Age of Opportunity campaign, our team designed brochures about various care services provided by HSL. This piece showcases the Center for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and Neglect.
Art directed by Doug Rickert.

kor group ltd.
Creative Direction: Anne Callahan | Art Direction + Design: Doug Rickert, Vaishnavi Kumar