Branding / Logos
A collection of logos from my freelance and agency career.
Tangent by Radius Collective
2023Radius Collective’s fifth show was held at ARCI Magma in Rome, Italy from Jan 4-11, 2024. Tangent: a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point, but if extended does not cross it at that point — or — a completely different line of thought or action.
Set in Cabinet Grotesk, letterforms and words are locked in ‘tangentially’ to one another. Brand materials include social media posts and event collateral. Collab with Padmini Chandrasekaran & Molly Haig.

Express Integrations
Freelance - 2021Express Integrations empowers experts, visionaries, and entrepreneurs by leveraging technology with custom systems to power their small to medium-sized business so they can regain creative productivity and focus on what matters most.
A sleek, stylized "E" doubles as a cohesive dataflow connection to capture the brand's innovative, tech-focused approach. All-caps sans serif type evokes a modern and future-forward quality.

Make Her Mark, Women’s Foundation of Boston
Senior Designer & Creative Strategy, kor group - 2022Women’s Foundation of Boston is nonprofit public charity that creates, funds, and accelerates high-impact economic and leadership programs that equip Greater Boston women and girls to be financially independent and successful leaders.
Make Her Mark was a fundraiser event held at the Museum of Science in Boston, celebrating women and girls in STEM. Using WFB’s brand palette, I designed a typographic logo that evokes modernism, femininity and innovation.
Brand graphics by Jim Gibson.

Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign, Saint John’s High School
Senior Designer & Creative Strategy, kor group - 2022Brand identity for Saint John’s High School’s newest campaign to raise funds for new facilities, spaces and renovations to the campus. Creative Direction: Anne Callahan
I illustrated a minimal motif that symbolizes brothers with their arms around one another, showing support and togetherness. The logo was collaboratively designed with Jim Gibson.

30 Federal, Rivers Edge
Senior Designer & Creative Strategy, kor group - 2023Brand identity and signage for 30 Federal St, a building in downtown Boston. The logo is currently under installation on the premises, and will be updated with images of the actual space.